CP Rail Storage Shed

The left hand section of my new layout depicts the modelled industrial spur running parallel to the CP main, and on the plan I pencilled in a small railway-owned storage shed to add some visual interest to the scene. The shed wasn't based on any particular building, but instead was to be a sort of combination of various similar structures around Toronto.  As I don't have any foam core board yet to proceed with layout construction, I decided to scratchbuild one of the two buildings that should be necessary for this model railway. I hadn't scratchbuilt anything for a while, so I decided to build the storage shed first before tackling the Hinde and Dauch Paper Company building that is the focus of the right hand layout scene, as well as a rather large building.

The shed was not built with any particularly interesting techniques - I used Mt. Albert scale lumber clapboard sheets for the walls and styrene sheet for the roof, which was then covered with masking tape to represent tar paper. The doors and windows are form Tichy Train Group, with the exception of the large doors on the small extension, which was scratchbuilt from stripwood. The structure was then painted with a bespoke mix of red and brown craft paint, and then weathered by drybrushing on more craft paint.

The back of the shed, looking at the inside of the "L" shape of the structure.

Looking at the back storage extension, as well as one side of the main part of the building. This is roughly what will be visible on the finished layout.

The track side of the shed, which will be facing the backdrop (an thus, away from the viewer) on the model railway. Note the boarded up window, which I made from some scraps of laser-cut wood from a switchstand kit.

The next major project should be to build the paper company warehouse - and as I've never scratchbult a brick building before, it should be an interesting project...
